All Indo-European roots on this page are from the 1973 Heritage Illustrated Dictionary Of The English Language, International Edition
gene-, Also gen-. To give birth, beget; with derivatives referring to aspects and results of procreation and to familial and tribal groups. 1. Suffixed zero-grade form *gn-yo- in Germanic *kunjam, family, race, in: a. Old English cyn(n), race, family, kin: KIN; b. *kuningaz, king (< "son of the royal kin"), in Old English cyning, king: KING. 2. Suffixed zero-grade form *gn-ti- in: a. Germanic *kundjaz, family, race, in Old English cynd, gecynd(e), origin, birth, race, family, kind: KIND[1], (KINDRED); b. Germanic *kundiz, natural, native, in Old English gecynde (ge-, collective prefix; see kom), natural, native, fitting: KIND[2]; c. Germanic variant *kinth- in Old High German kind, child: KINDERGARTEN, KRISS KRINGLE; d. Latin gens (stem gent-), race, clan: GENS, (GENTILE), GENTLE, (GENTEEL); GENDARME. 3. Suffixed full-grade form *gen-es- in: a. Latin genus (stem gener-), race, kind: GENDER, GENERAL, GENERATE, (GENERATION), GENERIC, GENEROUS, GENRE, GENUS, CONGENER, (CONGENIAL), DEGENERATE, (ENGENDER), MISCEGENATION; b. Greek genos and genea, race, family; GENEALOGY, GENOCIDE, GENOTYPE, HETEROGENEOUS; c. Greek suffix -genes, "-born": - GEN, GENY. 4. Suffixed full-grade form *gen-yo- in: a. Latin genius, procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality: GENIUS, GENIAL; b. Latin ingenium (in-, IN-), inborn character: INGENIOUS, ENGINE. 5. Suffixed full-grade form *gen-a- in Latin indigena (indu- variant of in-, IN-), born in (a place), indigenous: INDIGEN, (INDIGENOUS). 6. Suffixed full-grade form *gen-wo- in Latin ingenuus (in-, IN-), born in (a place), native, natural, freeborn: INGENUOUS. 7. Suffixed full-grade form *gen-men- dissimilated in Latin germen, shoot, bud, embryo, germ: GERM, GERMAN, (GERMANE), (GERMINAL), (GERMINATE). 8. Suffixed full-grade form *gene-ti- in Greek genesis, birth, beginning: GENESIS, -GENESIS. 9. Reduplicated form *gi-gn- in: a. Latin gignere
(past participle genitus), to beget: GENITAL, GENITIVE, GENITOR, GENT, GINGERLY; CONGENITAL, PRIMOGENITURE, PROGENITOR, (PROGENY); b. Greek gignesthai, to be born: EPIGENE. 10. Suffixed zero-grade form *-gn-o- in Latin benignus (bene, well; see deu-), goodnatured, kindly, and malignus (male, ill; see mel-), evil-natured, malevolent: BENIGN, MALIGN. 11. Extended form *gna- in Latin praegnas (prae-, before, PRE-), pregnant: PREGNANT. 12. Suffixed zero-grade form *gne-sko- becoming *gna-sko- in Latin gnasci, nasci, (past participle gnatus, natus), to be born: NAIVE, NASCENT, NATAL, NATION, NATIVE, NATURE, NEE, NOEL, AGNATE, (ADNATE), COGNATE, CONNATE, ENATE, INNATE, NEONATE, PUNY, (PUISINE), RENAISSANCE. 13. Suffixed o-grade form *gon-o- in Greek gonos (combining form -gonos), child, procreation, seed: GONAD, (GONIUM), GONO-; ARCHEGONIM, EPIGONE. 14. Full grade form *gen- in: a. Persian zadan, to be born: MIRZA;
b. Persian zata-, born, in azad-, free: AZEDARACH. 15. Zero-grade form *gn- in Sanskrit ja- in krmi-ja-, "produced by worms" (see kwrmi-) [Pok. 1. gen- 373.]
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