This definition is from, "The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary Of The English Language -- International Edition, 1973 Edition."
national adj. Abbr. nat.,natl. 1. Of, pertaining to, or belonging to a nation as an organized whole. 2. Of or relating to nationality: the national question. 3. Characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation: a national trait. 4. Big or important enough to have significance for a whole nation nation: a national figure. 5. Of or maintained by the government of a nation: a national park. 6. In the interest of one's own nation: the foreign aid program was in fact strictly national in motivation. 7. Devoted to one's own nation or its interests; patriotic. --n. 1. A citizen of a particular nation. 2. A contest or tournament involving participants from all parts of the nation. --nationally adv.
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